Criminal Defense Attorneys
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OUI (DUI) help to get you the best outcome going forward.


Also called DUI or DWI, Maine’s definition of OUI includes driving under the influence of alcohol as well as driving under the influence of drugs. This is an offense that is taken seriously by the state, and if you’re charged with an OUI in Maine, it can carry significant, lasting consequences when a conviction is reached.


Standard penalties

1st Offense: Mandatory minimum sentence of $500 fine and 150-day license suspension.

2nd Offense: Mandatory minimum sentence of at least 7 days in jail, $700 fine, and a 3-year license suspension

3rd Offense: Felony conviction, carrying even more serious penalties

Exacerbated Penalties

You will face mandatory jail time, increased fines, and longer license suspension if you are convicted with any of the following circumstances:

  • You had a passenger under 21 years old

  • Your blood alcohol level was higher than .14%

  • You refused the Intoxilyzer test

  • You were speeding more than 30mph over the limit

additional penalties

You may also be denied entry into Canada, the use of firearms, and more if your conviction is serious enough. Your auto insurance rates may increase substantially, and an OUI conviction may appear on employment background checks.

OUI brings serious consequences.

Considering the lasting effects an OUI conviction in Maine can have on your future, you want to make sure your criminal defense lawyer has the knowledge and skill to properly defend your case. Our goal is to give you experienced representation that explores every option and avenue, allowing you to receive the best possible outcome.