Your Defense Attorneys
Jonathan Handelman
Jonathan began practicing law as a solo attorney immediately after graduating from Maine Law in 2005. In law school he interned at the U.S. Attorney’s office in Portland and thought being a prosecutor would be a good fit so he waited for the District Attorneys to start taking notice of his skills. After a few short months representing Mainers, however, he realized his loyalties did not lie with The Man. Instead he fights for the people who are charged with crimes and facing the inherent imbalance of the criminal justice system.
His path to criminal defense was a curious one: for ten years he taught high school English in Massachusetts, then English Literature at the University of New England. Back in his teacher days, Jonathan earned a Masters degree and a PhD in English Literature.
Although he was raised in upstate New York, Jonathan moved to Maine with his family in 2000 and has never regretted that decision.
When he is not passionately defending the rights of his clients, Jonathan spends time on the waters of Casco Bay and beyond, sailing. When those waters are too cold for sailing, he counts the days until it is warm enough to sail once again.
University of Maine School of Law
J.D., 2005
Texas A&M University
Ph.D., English, 2003
Union College
M.A.T., Teaching English, 1991
Washington University in St. Louis
B.A., English, 1989
James Mason
James started out as a lawyer in North Carolina. Armed with a seersucker suit and a little Southern charm, Jim represented both individuals trying to recover from accidents and companies trying to protect their bottom line. He practiced all through the state, from small town courthouses to federal courts in the state’s largest cities. All was going according to plan until he met his future wife, a lifelong Mainer, when she was writing an article on a small wooden boat.
Ever since that fateful meeting, Jim has been working hard for the people of Maine (and trying to stay warm). After first working at a small firm in York County, Jim moved up to the Midcoast to hang out a shingle on his own. He’s been representing clients in courts in Cumberland and Kennebec, and all throughout the Midcoast, many of whom face serious criminal charges. He brings his good-natured demeanor mixed in with compassionate determination to help each of his clients come up with a fair solution to their legal problems.
When he isn’t at work, Jim is with his wife and son sailing in summer, and dreaming about summer when it’s winter.
Wake Forest University School of Law
J.D., 2004
College of Charleston
Master's of Environmental Studies, 1998
Duke University
B.A., History, 1994
Why the ampersand?
It’s the symbol of partnership between Jonathan Handelman and James Mason. When you work with us, you’re getting the best combination of our different strengths, compassion, and 25 years of experience as criminal defense lawyers. “And” is also our way of defining our team approach, one that is collaborative between all parties to get the best possible outcome for you.